1. Log into facebook.
  2. Go to the company Facebook Reviews Page: https://www.facebook.com/pg/RussellRealEstateKGranakis/reviews/
  3. Where it says, “MY REVIEW”, click the star rating (1-5)
    When a star is clicked, it will popup another window for the user to put their review in.
  4. Write their review. Facebook reviews must be at least 50 characters. (This sentence is exactly fifty characters long.) So you don’t feel like you have to write a book.
  5. Write as long a review as you wish. If you’re having trouble, here are some questions to get you started:
– What led you to seek out this company/person?
– What did you like/dislike from your experience with us?
– Was the staff courteous?
– Would you recommend us to family/friends?
– What are some of the details of your transaction?
Once you have completed your review, click done.


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Coldewell Banker

Schmidt Family of Companies

The Leading EDGE Team
15380 Pearl Rd.
Strongsville, Ohio 44136

Let's Do This

The time to act is now and Kristin is very motivated to help you accomplish your real estate goals.

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